Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Task/Learner Analysis

September 19, 2007

Task Analysis

Look at the ordinary and usual in an unusual way
You need to know every step and substep in analysis, but you may not need to actually teach each substep b/c your learners may already know those skills.
Entry Behavior - Look for these in your instruction - if those entry behaviors are not there, your instruction could be non-successful
General Characteristics - If you teach only to the general characteristics of your learners, you are going to leave out some of your learners, discriminate against others, and even learners with those general characteristics don’t necessarily learn the same way.
*These characteristics are superfluous - don’t pay attention to them

Big Project:
Find a real-world need that can be solved by instruction - Writing a good speech
Walk through the chain on p.17 to decide
Task Analysis
Entry Behaviors

1)Define your goal - once well-crafted sentence
2) Goal Analysis - high level, basic path to achieve goal
3) Subskill Analysis - Break it down into smaller steps & pieces
4) Analyze Learners & Context -

September 26, 2007

Task Analysis

If we could redo the ADDIE change a tire project, what would we change?
chunking steps - subordinate tasks - add more detailed steps, but chunk them

Attention to detail
Coach John Wooden, UCLA basketball

Context Analysis
Train to performance context, not practice context
ex. football team practices with loud speakers blasting to simulate game day

Learner Analysis
You want to know as much about the learner in the context of the learning that should
take place - does it matter that the class is 52% female or not?
You want to know your learners & narrow them down
but if you narrow it down too much, it’s no longer transferable to other groups

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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